Monday, 10 July 2017

Police Verification Certificate in Bangalore (PVC/PCC)

I'm writing this short post with the intention of helping anyone who might be wondering how to get a Police Verification Certificate (PVC) or a Police Clearance Certificate (PCC) in Bangalore. Usually if you are working in a Govt. or a Private sector company, your employer might ask you to submit one just to verify your background and make sure that you have a clean record.

To begin with, though the form can be downloaded online, you still need to visit in person to submit the form along with the required documents to verify your address and identity. For collecting the PVC, it is not mandatory that you should go in person.

Download the form here.

1. Fill the form with all the details.
2. Make sure that the present address or the address you are going to verify is same as the address in the proof you are providing. (Aadhar/passport/voters id/ration card..). It will be cross verified at the time of submission and they will not accept your document even in case of slight changes.
3. Carry 2-3 passport size photographs out of which one of them needs to be affixed on the form.
4. After filling the form, based on the option you have selected, go to a Bangalore One office (available even inside the commissioner office called Single Window), pay the amount there and get the receipt (green color receipt). You may have to pay Rs. 5 or 10 extra as their charges.
5. Write the Bangalore One receipt number in the form.
6. So you need something that proves your photo identity, address and date of birth. Choose what will meet all these requirements.

Now you can go to office of commissioner at Infantry Road, Bangalore. Since they have separated the counters for submission of PVC and collection of PVC, the wait is less. Though they say the office starts at 10 am, you can guess by what time they will really start. Go around 12 noon and you shouldn't be having much queue.

1. Stand in queue with your documents.
2. The person sitting at the counter will check your documents.
3. A receipt will be provided once the person completes verification process.
4. They say you will get it in 25 days but expect 30-35 days. You will receive a message when it is ready.
5. If you have asked for address verification, you can expect police from nearest station on your doorsteps or they might call you and you should go visit the station with one or two photographs.

Some things I noticed

  • Since it is Bangalore and people mostly live on rent, you can make do with a rental agreement. Carry the original and a copy. If you are living as a Paying Guest, you again make a rental agreement with the owners and get it signed by them. If you are staying with your uncle, you still need to make a rental agreement with him as the owner and you as the tenant. 
  • What if you are married and every document relating to address is in your wife's name? Take a copy of your marriage certificate, along with that take a copy of your wife's identity proof and copy of rental agreement/possesion certificate/telephone bills or any other document. That should do the trick. 
  • There is an enquiry counter to the left as you enter the hall. You can ask for help there and the person sitting there is quite helpful. 
Please note that PVC/PCC for immigration purpose is different. For that you can go directly to PSK (Passport Seva Kendra) by booking an appointment online. Ask Google, he knows everything.

I hope this post has been helpful for you. Use the comment section for anything you want to know further. 

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